Fiona Ramsey
Public relations + communications consulting + narrative communication. Australian.

Since 2006 I’ve worked in storytelling + narrative change, including changing the way we think about poverty (microfinance), how we get what we need (sharing economy), work (gig economy + future of work), care (domestic work movement), and political power (relational organizing). I was on the cofounding team of Kiva and have worked with nonprofits and social enterprises from pre-launch to growth stage.

In 17 years I’ve seen communications change. It has never been easier to get your message out yet more difficult to be heard. Storytelling has never been more important, yet more difficult to differentiate your specific voice and point of view.


Every person has inherent value.

Your value isn’t proven. It’s not gained or built or earned. You have value in this world and you don’t need to prove it to me.

It matters how you treat people.

Results are never an excuse for how you got there.

Words matter.

They’re not “just words”. They are beliefs, communicated. Every word is an expression of what you believe. You matter. So your words do, too.

Be of service.

Everything we do is in service of something. Be of service to things that matter.